Sunday, April 03, 2005

Classical Chinese Assignment 1

The Great Learning ( 大學 DA XUE)

To emphasize the importance of learning is to polish the morals. Parenting the people and end up with the best.
Knowing how far to go we are determined. Being determined we reach the balanced status. Reaching the balanced status we feel secure. Feeling secure we start to make judgments. Through making judgments we get results.

Every phenomenon has the origin and the end. Any situation has the start and the close. To know the sequence we approach our final goal.

Ancient people who want to polish the morals shall rule the nation first. To rule the nation they shall order the family well. To order the family well they shall develop themselves. Before developing themselves they compose the mind. To compose the mind they clarify the thought. To clarify the thought they improve the knowledge.
To improve the knowledge means to classified the data in detail. Always classified the data in detail we increase the knowledge. With the increased knowledge we can clarify the thoughts. When the thoughts are clarified our mind is composed. With a composed mind we rule ourselves. By improving ourselves we reach the family harmony. Then the nation is ruled. Thus the world becomes peaceful.


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